International Communications Strategy
(previously known by its working title: New Trends in International Public Relations)
by Silvia Cambie and Yang-May Ooi
Publisher: Kogan Page; Publication launch date: July 2009
The Final Book
International Communications Strategy is about the cross-cultural challenges currently facing PR practitioners. Offshoring, globalisation and the rise of China and India have been triggering unprecedented change in the communication sector.
New channels of global communications are also being opened up by social media tools, bringing different cultures across the world together instantaneously online. Understanding cross-cultural aspects of PR includes understanding the culture of different societies, online culture itself and cross-border uses of social media - this new title helps you to do that.
The focus of the communication profession is shifting from content creation to relationship management of the study of social ecosystems. While in the past corporations seemed to need communicators only for colourful brochures and press releases, they now expect them to provide strategic advice and help senior executives to engage effectively with stakeholders in different parts of the world. At the same time, they are required to be knowledgeable about social media and internet audiences and to be able to link on-line and off-line communication work successfully.
By providing information on alternative approaches as well as containing hands-on case studies and best practices, the book will give you points of reference and ideas that you will be able to use every time you are asked to provide strategic communication guidance to senior management/clients.
Hardback, 256 Pages, Dimensions 234 x 156 MM Language English.
Wiki Contents
The Book Proposal
Globalisation and the wave of international mergers of the past years have had a profound impact on the work of PR practitioners and corporate communicators.
PR agencies are suddenly confronted with clients who, having bought a business in another part of the world, need to reach out to customers and engage employees in cultures they know nothing about. Corporate communicators are asked to develop strategies for markets they have never worked in and audiences they are unable to relate to.
We have never seen change of this magnitude in the PR sector. We are experiencing a shift brought about by a combination of new technology and new emerging markets. PR practitioners are under pressure to obtain results on different fronts. They have to learn about communication patterns used in foreign countries, and at the same time, they have to be able to integrate social media in their new global strategies. The Euroblog Survey 2007, conducted by the European Public Relations Education and Research Association, revealed that 85% of PR experts recognise that blogs and social software are revolutionising the way we communicate and at the same time the majority acknowledge that lack of proven ROI and personnel capability within their organisations are limiting factors for using social media as part of their communication strategy.
The book will address many of these concerns and provide readers with insights, practical tips and real-world case studies that will increase their cultural sensitivity and help them function in the global village.
About the Authors
Silvia Cambie is a business communications expert and Director of Chanda Communications.
Yang-May Ooi is a social media specialist and partner at ZenGuide Social Media Consultancy.
Read more About the Authors
This Wiki
This wiki collates Yang-May's research for the social media sections of the book. Comments and contributions are welcome, subject to the terms of the Contributors Release Notice. Regarding our policy on referencing and citing online resources which are freely available to all, please see our Acknowledgements and Citations Policy.
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Wiki Contents
About the Authors
Contributors Release Notice
Acknowledgements & Citations Policy
Acknowledgements to Contributors
Book Contents
Ch01 - The World We Live In (1): The Real World
Ch02 - The World We Live In (2) - The Cyber World
Ch04 - Online Dialogues across Cultures
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